TCP / IP can be accommodated in a packet or in an AX25 Netrom packet. When TCP / IP in a Netrom do packet, which in turn is in an AX25 packet, we get big packets with more error prone TCP / IP in Netrom we use only in emergencies! TCP / IP does not use nicknames, but a series of numbers as address, where a system is in. The AX25 packets, therefore, are transmitted as a not connected, so there is no AX25 Netrom compound such as with the other station is using the TCP / IP section.
1st number: Type of station by amateur forever 44.
2nd number: Country code 137 in the Netherlands, in Belgium 144.
3rd number: Zone Number.
4th number: Serial number of the Amateur.
All numbers may be 8 bytes long. PA0BAK is TCP / IP address, which means 21 = 21 is the TCP / IP station in Zeeland. 28 = lives in Zeeland. 44 = Ham Radio Station.
137 = from the Netherlands.
The advantage of this addressing is clearly, though I carry a book in my entire call system in need, I can immediately see in which direction I need to forward a received packet.
So I can with a few lines in my address to support the Netherlands. Examples: route add default PI8VLI #All TCP / IP forwarding packets. route add [44 144] / 16 ON1ON #Except for Belgium ON1ON.
Route add [44.137.0] / # 24 PI8HVH South Holland to PI8HVH. Here I only have to give the stations in that I can work directly and the network runs at me at least.
Furthermore, TCP / IP has also nodes, wherein the nodes also act as a gateway between AX.25, NetRom and TCP / IP. These nodes also have built a small BBS.
ARP Automatic Route Protocol.
FTP: File Tranfer Protocol sending binary files.
PING: A PING you can see if a station is QRV, and immediately measure the response time.
POP: Post Office Protocol.
RARP: Reversed Automatic Route Protocol.
RIP: Route Interface Protocol.
RSPF: Radio Shortest Path Find.
SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
TELNET: Ordinary TCP / IP connection.
TTYLINK: Keyboard connection.
Also, the system can be remotely controlled, self-a remote reboot is possible. Only the main features mentioned here, otherwise the list is 10 pages long!
All TCP / IP programs are written by different people, each in his own specialty. The very heart of the program is KA9Q, Phil Karn, the others I will not mention here, but there are many.
All TCP / IP programs can operate with AX.25, NetRom and TCP / IP, the programs only run on a PC or UNIX system, with the exception of CHL-NET, which also runs on the ATARI.
The best known programs are: CHL-NET PE1CHL, this program is relatively small 200 KB and is used in almost all NetRom nodes in the Netherlands.
This program has no windows through which all kinds of information can come together. NET PC DL1DBT, Has less features than CHL-NET, but does have windows, thus, seen from the test board, comes across friendly.
NOS as well as .NET, there are several versions of NOS in circulation, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most comprehensive version of PA0GRI. NOS has a mini BBS and is the only NODE, with an AX25 user TCP / IP can continue!
Furthermore, NOS multitasking, ie you can leave the program from a DOS shell and NOS remains in the background working. So far the explanation packet, should you have any questions or comments, you can always give me your comments.
It is not my intention to be labeled as Guru, I am only a simple soul, trying to simplify everything so that more people can have fun with this hobby.