Outside of the resistor and the potentiometer, there are also other types, such as resistance of the NTC, PTC, VDR, LDR, and also the Fluxistor, a semiconductor element that behaves as a variable resistor.
What now for resistors? First, we note that it is not a question of Ohm resistors, resistors but only in a given operating point to Ohm's law meet.
Now for a brief explanation of Ohm's law: U = I * R or voltage = current times resistance.
R = U / I or resistance = voltage divided by the current. I = U / R or current = voltage divided by the resistance.
So as you can see, you can use 2 data, calculate the third missing factor.
We have 100 V and 2 Ampre so the resistance can thus calculate by R = U / IU = 100 I = 2100 divided by 2 = 50, in this case, the resistance is 50 ohms, and so if you go look at that.
I = U / RU = 100 divided by R = 50 it appears as above indicated that indeed I = 2.
And last, U = I * R where I = 2 and R = 50 so 2 * 50 100 = 100 So you pick up where we left off.
The VDR resistor is a resistor which depends on the value of the magnitude of the voltage applied across the resistor, the term means VDR Voltage Dependent Resistor.
What weather in Dutch means Voltage-dependent resistor.
For small voltages the VDR resistor behaves almost like a normal Ohm resistance.
At higher voltages, however, the resistance value is quickly reduced.
The PTC resistor is a positive temperature coefficientie resistance which in cold state has a small resistance value.
However, he is heated then takes its resistance value so it is a temperature-dependent resistor.
A filament in a light bulb is actually a PTC resistor.
The NTC resistor Negative Temperature coefficientie.
Such resistance when they are cold possess high resistance values, and as the temperature increases, the resistance value rapidly.
So, basically the inverse of the PTC resistor.
Then called Photo resistors or resistor LDR, LDR which stands for Light Dependent Resistor either light sensitive resistor.
These are semiconductor resistors. The Fluxistor is also used increasingly.
In this item, the resistance value changes when a magnetic field, in which the resistor is located changes.
Due to this property, the fluxistor can be used as non-contacting switch.
The VDR Resistance to extinguish. Sparks on switch contacts.
The VDR Resistance to high tensions engulf to drain.
The VDR Resistance to stabilize. AC voltages.
The NTC resistor to eliminate. Sensitive blocks at sudden power changes.
The NTC resistor to be measured temperature.
The NTC or PTC resistor to go. Measuring devices with high potential temperature dependent change in a block against.
The LDR resistance to build for example a camera. Exposure meter.
The dependent resistor in order to build a light louse.
The dependent resistor by means of a light barrier for counting through a door, or in order to count on a conveyor belt. Boxes persons.
The FLUXISTOR to determine the magnetic field strength.