There is just not a passive antenna over the scanner range 68 - 512 MHz, let alone 68 - 960 MHz at each frequency produces equally good results as a dipole tuned to that frequency.
That's what we wanted to show. This article Yet there are hundreds of thousands of scanner listeners who have great reception with their scanner discone.
Of course, it really is not the intention that you are only going to immediately snatch.
Discone your roof Even though a discone on the UHF band 420 - 512 MHz 4 to 6 dB less signal.
Most stations are nevertheless so strong that you hear them anyway, if you get half the signal inside than a tuned dipole antenna as.
A good low-noise and distortion fixed antenna amplifier raises are additionally lose the cable UHF substantial, so it is the best in practice.
A discone is and remains the best compromise between wide band and reception performance.
But will certainly be clear that you could forget. 900 MHz band on a scanner discone better figure 8 You still do not get 30% of the signal present inside.
The real dx there, certainly in the UHF band 1420 - the bottom of the barrel would have 512 MHz will have to look for another solution.
That solution is no different than walk the same path that professionals follow when soldiers: a separate antenna for the higher frequency ranges.
That you can make as you will see later.
Itself Who is not interested in the high frequencies, know at least now he should pay attention to when it comes to best reception when buying a discone and not the price.
Minimum: 2 x 8 radials.
Cone angle between 50 and 70 degrees.
Pointed Cone: So sharp possible.
Operating frequency is 100: Length in meters cone radian.
Between Reasonable Reception: 0,8 and 4 to 5 times the working frequency dependent on cone spits permissible.