The NL3ASD is active in Amsterdam and transmit on the 27 MHz at channel 32 and channel 37, also with a Lo Power Device on the frequency 433,125 MHz in the 70 cm band. This happened under the AX25 packet protocol. The NL3ASD BBS is coupled to the network sharing in this IPNET all connected BBS stations share the same e-mail which is spread true the air and by phone modem and internet telnet connections. It is also possible by means of the packet mail and if traffic jams to download already this whole does not go this way fast with 1200 baud 1K2 is it nevertheless complete terrible popular read because these connections cost almost no money and one can apprehend this connection day and night. The last time is
used also frequently modems with a higher speed 2K4, 4K8 and the 9k6 speeds 2K4 and 4K8 are still possible on 27 the MHz already 4k8 on this frequency but it's to high for the 27 MHz. Improves work these speeds in the higher links such as 2 meters or still improves in 70 or the 23 cm link. Packet channels are at the same time shared with several packet stations and each station gets always just as the time to receive or send its data. The mail can be sent rurally by means of the route @NLD for The Netherlands and Europe this is the mail route @EU and World Wide Broadly by means of the route @WW. This sends is offered happened with the so-called forwarding the mail firstly is compressed and wrapped up by the
packet program it self and then send it to the next station which then decompressed unpack as a zip resistant and stores in the programs database so that it can be read by all the packet radio users.
Computer: Intel Quad Core Pentium at 3 GHz
Virtual Drive's: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I
Operating System: Windows 2012 R2 Server
Memory: DDR2 8 GB 1800 MHz
HardDisks: Western Digital Black SATA III - HardDisk 1: 2 TB - HardDisk 2: 2 TB - HardDisk: 2 TB - HardDisk 4: 2 TB - 7200 RPM - Buffer 64 MB
Com Ports: Com 1 - Com 2
PCI Com Cards: Com 3 - Com 4 - Com 5
Software: F6FBB BBS Windows version v7.00
Software: Jnos Version v1.11
Software: G8BPQ Node Version v4.09
Channels: 5 Open
Channel: 32 at 27.325 MHz
Modem: TNC2S DK9SJ
Transmitter: Midland
Power: 4 Watt
Coax: Air Cell 7
Antenna: Black Bandit 5/8
Height: 25 Meter
Channels: 5 Open
Channel: 37 at 27.375 MHz
Modem: TNC2S DK9SJ
Transmitter: James
Power: 4 Watt
Coax: Air Cell 7
Antenna: Silver Rot 1/2
Height: 25 Meter
Channels: 5 Open
Channel: 433.125 MHz
Modem: TINY2 MK 2
Transmitter: Kenwood
Power: 10 Mw
Coax: Air Cell 7
Antenna: Tonna
Height: 20 Meter
Cannels: 1 Open
Channel: Phone Modem
Modem: Tron 28K8 v34
Info: Mail Forward 1
Channels: 1 Open
Channel: Internet
Network: Marvell Yukon 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet
Info: Telnet Forward
As well as being one of the world's top tourist destinations the Dutch capital, Amsterdam is a city that has managed to preserve its greatest natural and man made attractions as well as staying at the fore front of modern Europe. Amsterdam's origins delve back deep into the thirteenth century when a small settlement sprung up around The Dam on the Amstel River that gave the city its name. Today the old merchant houses and historical streets still look like they would have centuries ago in a city that boasts a real sense of living history, with apartments and cafe's in buildings that in other cities would be museums.
The lifeblood of Amsterdam has long been its aquatic locale, close as it is to the North Sea and built on a myriad of canals that neatly divide the city into easily navigable districts and imbue it with a small town ambience. There seems to be a canal around every corner in Amsterdam, not too surprising considering that the city is home to a staggering 165 canals. Amsterdam's sprawl of waterways are now used by a dizzying array of vessels, everything from glass roofed tourist boats and pedals, right through to speedboats and gigantic industrial barges that testify to the role the canals and waterways still play in the city's economic life.
Key industries in Amsterdam today include tourism, manufacturing, finance and increasingly, new technologies. Amsterdam is renowned for its ultra liberal attitudes, although the negative side of this is evident in major drug problems and the infamous Girls In The Windows, the laissez faire attitude makes Amsterdam something of an oasis, where different cultures, ethnic groups and nationalities for most of the time live in harmony. This multiculturalism reached its zenith during the Euro 2000 football tournament, which the Netherlands co hosted with Belgium, with all sections of the community getting behind the national team.
In the summer all of Amsterdam's electric groups come together in the Vondelpark to relax in the balmy weather. Amsterdam may statistically be one of Europe's wettest capitals but as soon as the clouds clear and sun is allowed to shine the city's inhabitants spill out onto the streets to sit in one of the numerous pavement cafe's, take a cruise on a canal or even that most ubiquitous of Amsterdam pastimes ride their bicycles. Amsterdam's winters tend to be cold, with plenty of rain, but this seldom seems to deter the tourists who flock to the city all year round.